YOUR favorite probiotic drink is the focus of this webpage. Why? Because, as I mentioned on the "What is YOUR Favorite Food... page, this website's mission is to help people be healthy, yet save money, with probiotics. Nearly all of the pages are written from my point-of-view, but this is your chance to teach (or at least tell) others about what life is like in your part of the world regarding your favorite probiotic drink.
I'd love to hear what your prized drink is, where you get it or how you make it, and how it helps you to be healthy. Sharing your story will help to spread the word about how delicious and simple these beneficial drinks can be, and how people really can save money and be healthy with them!
Now I realize that some of the drinks aren't technically "probiotic" drinks, at least according to the official definition, but the fact that they at least have live cultures and contribute to your health and wellness is enough reason to have this page!
Probiotic drinks can be delicious and healthy! Have you found one that you think is the best? What is it? Where did you learn about it? Is drinking it a social custom? How do you get it? Please, give us all the details and the story that goes with it.
If you have multiple stories, please submit a new title and text for each one.
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Kefir Probiotic Shake
I am suffering from digestive problems where my stomach has no digestive enzymes or good bacteria. The kefir probiotic shake has decreased the population …
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Disclaimer: Please note: By law, I cannot provide any personalized recommendations for your specific health concern on this site. The information contained in this site is educational in nature and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any physical or mental disease, nor is it intended as a substitute for regular medical care. Consult with your doctor regarding any health or medical concerns you may have.
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